At Papakura Acupuncture, we often use Chinese herbal medicine to help with our acupuncture and Tui Na massage treatments. We also offer standalone Chinese herbal medicine treatments. These treatments can help with a range of conditions and have been used for thousands of years.
All our practitioners are NZ qualified but we use traditional Chinese recipes for all the herbal medicines we administer. This usually means combining up to 14 different herbs together, although the exact treatment will depend on your condition.
Restoring Balance
When your body is out of balance, you will get sick and will generally feel out-of-sorts. Chinese herbal medicine can help. Specific conditions it helps with includes:
- Alleviating the symptoms of cold and flu while helping your body to build up an immunity
- Increasing energy and helping to reduce fatigue
- Improving breathing and reducing congestion
- Improving the digestive system
- Helping you sleep better, including if you have insomnia
- And more
What You Can Expect
Your friendly and professional practitioner will get an understanding of your condition, including the underlying cause. We will then develop a treatment plan, customising the formulas according to your needs. Treatments are delivered to you in a tea, as a pill, as a powder, or in other forms.
To find out more about how Chinese herbal medicine can help you, please get in touch with us today. Call 09 298 6686.